Straight roads

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The next morning we were up for a hike, the weather had cooled slightly so it was a pleasant enough walk up one of the nearby hills that had a rock at the top, this rock I attempted to climb, then noticing the spider webs 2 inches from my nose I attempted to flee. Angelica and Nic had kindly waited for me and we strolled down to the lookout to find the others already swimming. The view was spectacular naturally, the usual one white sand, blue/green crystal clear water, blah blah you know it already.

On the road again, this time a really long road. Really long and really straight, at one point it was just hills but no turns, so you’d crest one hill to see another 20 in the distance and just wonder how long it could go on for, then we came across the 90 mile straight. When we hit this particularly long bit of very boring road surrounded by nothing there was a little tree people had used to put random objects on, littering, however it was amusing and Lachie gained a huge purple hat from it. Just before this boring road there was something even more random than a purple hat in a tree, a NASA mistake. This NASA mistake consisted of a satellite that NASA, the clever buggers, attempted to crash over the ocean, and missed, by quite a large margin as anyone who knows anything about Australia’s size can tell you. Part of it had landed right next to the Nullarbor, in fact several large chunks of metal had landed in this little town that was little more than a name on a map, I think the satellite pieces outnumbered the inhabitants.

After a lot of driving we reached our next stop at our shelter for the night, which was just that, a big metal roof. No walls. We set up tents on the rock solid ground and hammered like crazy to get our pegs in before the tents blew away, which was difficult in the circumstances. This was the place where the good weather got away, Australia’s weather in the south starts in the west and then takes the same road we did along to the east, we had been following the hot stuff since Perth but now it had got away and the clouds that were following it had caught up with us. We heard the rain, however the Nullarbor has this remarkable aspect, as soon as water touches the ground it acts like a sieve, and the water literally falls straight through as if there was no ground there, and this is why there are no trees in the Nullarbor Plain. I got up for a pee after hearing the rain stop and it was dry, there was no water on the ground, weird I thought, maybe it hadn’t rained after all, but I changed my mind upon witnessing my pee disappear into the ground as well.


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