Shark Bay

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I said my goodbyes and Anna dropped me off at the bus stop to wait for my journey up to Monkey Mia which would only be for one day, crazy aren’t I. Turns out the bus only went to Monkey Mia 2 times a week, so I had to book it on the one which just so happened to be at 3 in the morning leaving the next day, so it meant I had one full day to enjoy the place, what else d’ya need.

I got to Monkey Mia pretty late, it was about 10 and when I got there I found a room with no free beds, however I had been left with a key and the office was shut due to the time, eventually I figured out that there was a free bed it just didn’t have any clean linen, great! Judging by most males I didn’t relish the thought of someone else’s leftovers. Eventually I found a staff member at the bar who got me some sheets and apologised etc. sheets are all I needed but thank you for the concern. So I headed back to make my bed. I entered my room to find a girl sitting on the bed below mine, hmm have they put me in the wrong room? Looking at the girl with her dishevelled hair and cute smile I figured it was a pretty lucky mistake if they had.

She introduced herself as Katrina from Sweden who was travelling with her 2 friends 1 Swedish, 1 Aussie. She also said I would be rudely awakened by their birthday celebrations. I said I didn’t mind as I was only here for a bit and wanted to get the most out of the day, and eventually I got into bed, my bed that is. True to her word in the morning I heard happy birthday being sung in Swedish. Time to rise and shine.

The first thing to do was witness the dolphin feeding! So we wandered over to the beach and waited for something to happen. There were a bunch of volunteers and a woman running it who announced it was something they had been doing every day for years, don’t touch the dolphins, stand ankle deep in water etc. etc. then it was time to feed. Celeste, who was the Aussie and also whose birthday it was got picked, the girls had spoken to the volunteers earlier and arranged it. Naturally she was uber excited at getting to hand feed a dolphin some slimy fish. We all watched in wonder as the dolphins crowded around and swam around the volunteer’s legs like cats waiting to be petted. They would swim right up some of them messing about in the deeper water and some right in the shallows in about a foot of water somehow still able to swim. There was even a pregnant dolphin that swam up and rolled onto her side to show us her belly!

I realised that this day was the first of December. Yes I am aware of how delayed that makes this blog, however writing and travelling at the same time is tougher than one would think. So anyways, if it was December, it was no longer November, or more importantly the end of Movember and finally I could stop looking like a 70’s porn star and start looking like me again, oh joy of joys! I took my time shaving, savouring every moment of it, and emerged looking clean and just like a modern man.

Later we went for a walk, the girls didn’t object to me hanging about with them for the day so I did. We walked the nearby track, which took in some nice views and a few birds, we saw a goanna and then continued onto the beach where I encountered some camels. Annoying when I tried to take some pictures of the camels the man running the camel ride told me to stop and pointed out that there were children riding therefore I couldn’t take photos. My god has the world sunk so far, that I cannot take a photo of a camel without someone thinking I’m a paedophile!

After lunch we hired some Kayaks and naturally I being the one who was tagging along also made them wait for ages whilst I was on the phone attempting to book my greyhound ticket, which was a bloody nightmare! Eventually I got to the boats and much to my surprise didn’t receive a kick for taking so long. They were 2-person sea Kayak’s and I was in with the lovely Katrina, who kept splashing me with her paddle. It took ages to get anywhere and when we did there was not a lot to see, or so we thought. Sitting there battling the wind and wondering if anything was out there we noticed a moving rock, we gave chase (slowly) and discovered it was a moving dolphin shaped rock, which then swam underneath us! I got pretty excited by this, after all it isn’t everyday a dolphin shaped rock swims underneath you when you’re kayaking!

After the excitement of dolphin rocks we spent the rest of the day and that evening chilling out and doing not very much, sitting on the beach, the girls got some champagne. I didn’t drink a lot, mainly because I don’t usually drink a lot but the girls did, it being Celeste’s birthday she obviously got bought a ton of drinks by a crowd of people that seemed to me to have appeared out of nowhere and proceeded to get very drunk. Although I didn’t drink I did stay up, my bus leaving at 3 in the morning meant there wasn’t much point in me using my bed, so I enjoyed the birthday drunkenness, and chatted to Katrina who was nowhere near as drunk as the others and therefore capable of coherent conversation, unfortunately wasted on me when I started talking about how I might be half werewolf. It was full moon though, made sense to me at the time.


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