My Last Night in Sydney

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I left the Blue Mountains eager to be back in Sydney where I could find Nora and annoyed that I would be leaving again the next morning, but hey my journey has to start, right! Seeing as Australia is a fairly large country I presumed I should get on with it rather than stay in Sydney for 3 months, somehow I think the blog might get boring. I got back to central and waited around for a minute as I had arranged to meet Lisa at 1, at least that’s the time I remember, I was there at one. Waiting bores me a lot so eventually I figured it must have been 2, I finished some errands and came back at 2, well 2.30 ish. No sign of Lisa so I got on with whatever I was doing. In retrospect it was silly to wait, naturally I didn’t see either of the girls until it was time to eat some dinner!

This time we made a joint meal of spaghetti bolognaise, it was pretty good but could have done with more time, which we neglected to give on our stomachs orders. Half way through eating Lisa tells me that she has family in Coffs Harbour (a place I had just taken off my list to visit) and is leaving on the same bus as me. “Oh” I say. “I just cancelled Coffs, should I change it back again?” “Yeah” she says and thus, with that fateful word, I embarked upon a nightmare of switching bus times and room locations which I thought would be easy but once started took a very long time and many complications to overcome; including the hostel computers dying, people changing the wrong thing and more.

After Lisa left I was alone with Nora, what to do…? I suggested we go on the roof and so we did, we stood up there for a while, my arms wrapped around her as we watched the moon and the city at night, eventually we got bored and went for a walk. We held hands as we drifted through the streets, walking in the direction of the harbour, amusing ourselves by taking photos of each other doing silly poses along the way and at one point even skipping (yes I am really 6 years old.) When we got to the opera house we found it lit up pink, and took some more photos. Then watched bats fly around the harbour bridge, lit up as they flew by the bridge lights beneath them, creating quite an interesting display, kind of like firefly’s from a great distance. More poses on the steps and then we just sat there for a while, long enough for Nora to almost fall asleep so I guessed it was time to call it a night. Right now typing this, I miss her.

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Anonymous said...

welcome to australia
all the best

Huw + the steers said...

Wait a minute... this is a beach! Great video, sounds like you're having fun!

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