
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kate invited me to go down to Wollongong with her and so I was due to go the evening of the Sydney festival. During the day I met up with the lovely Franzi, who came out around the festival with me, unfortunately it was only for about 2 hours so we didn’t see a lot of the fest. What we did see was a man in a dinosaur suit running about scaring little kids and a man dressed as an ATM, various bands playing different easy going music and an acrobatic show where a couple of fools were fooling about on stage pretending to hit each other. I bought some sandals and a hat (finally) from Paddy’s Market, enjoyed the random festivities and then ended up at a Barbie on the roof, courtesy of Polotoni who worked at the YHA, (please forgive me Poli if I have spelled it wrong) I chatted to him in the morning and my good mood and smile got me into a Barbie and free luggage storage whilst I was checking out. I bought my new GBF along to it and we ate loads and then I found a welsh girl and spent about an hour trying to convince her to come with me to the festival which was going on without us, in the end it worked but Jesse (GBF) was scolding me like a disappointed school teacher for taking so long and not just walking away, I would have but she was cute and I wanted her to come with us, so I made sure she did.

So off we ran with Anharrad (Welsh girl) in tow and spent ages trying to find Kate who was enjoying some awesome jazz music, which I can attest to be awesome as we did find her in time to catch the end of it and had a good jive, they even played “I wanna be like you.” (Some of us might remember that song from the jungle book.) Kate showed us all up and Jesse swept me off my feet, odd to not be the lead in a Jive but then an ex girlfriend back in England was also my dance teacher so I’m not totally unused to it. We twirled and spun, got very dizzy drunk gallons of water (which we promptly sweated out again), grabbed strangers and danced with them and finally the band sung their last song and we realized we were late for our train. So off we ran, knowing full well that we wouldn’t catch our train, I also had to pick up the bags I had left in storage at the YHA, but we ran anyway, and after a little while Kate said “Give me your bag and run, go get your stuff” so I sprinted, for the first time in a long time I ran flat out, through the obstacle course of human traffic littering the street, I ran so fast that I began to ignite, then I got to the hostel and had to describe in intimate detail the contents of the bags I wanted to pick up having lost the tags for the bags, naturally I missed the train.

So Kate and I caught the next train, we jumped on and sat there chatting to each other and the guards about all sorts of nonsense and she told me all about the place we were to go to, but not before a ridiculously painful walk carrying my 24 kg bag and a 10 kg carrier bag which felt heavier due to its awkward shape and crappy handles. When we did get to the house I was pretty pleased though, it was a cosy little place, very clean and Kate had set out a surprise for me that she had been hinting at on the train, we have a running joke about tea that started in Darwin and now results in even our nicknames for each other being tea related, the surprise was several ornate tea cups and pots laid out all over the house, from elegant bone china to oversized brightly, multi-coloured mugs. I was so tired it took me about half an hour to even notice it, however once I did I was suitably impressed.

So I spent a few days there, making combined meals of my spice filled cooking with Kate’s bizarre but delicious salad to make veritable feasts, arguing over everything from what to put in the food to the meaning of life to whether red is a good colour, swimming at the local beach and experimenting with metaphysics. We even ended up fighting when I bought a minuscule piece of ginger to use for the food, I maintain that I was right; although I’m sure Kate would differ. I would like to add that whilst not arguing we drank tea and got on like a house on fire, Kate and I do actually get on quite well.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ok so for the last little while I have been travelling and doing tons of random stuff, I am also now in Tasmania which for those of you that don’t know means I have a lot more time in the bush and the bush doesn’t have wi-fi. So I shall do my best to finish this story of mine and try to get up the rest of my photos etc. maybe even another bit of film footage, but don’t expect anything too regularly.

My return to Sydney was quite nice; it rounded off the trip and sort of marked it as the end of my frantic travelling. Since then I have travelled very little and instead enjoyed my time getting to know people in one area, sleeping a lot and generally just mucking about, unfortunately this does also mean less pictures. Whilst I was back in Sydney I got to see Sydney festival, hang out with Nic before she left for NZ and see Kate.

Now this would be a while after Christmas, I couldn’t get to Sydney any earlier, but there were presents waiting for me in Sydney. My mum had informed me that she had sent over a present to a friend who was visiting her son near Manly, and that I was to retrieve it from her at Christmas, something I was pretty excited about as it doesn’t really matter how old you are its always great to get a present! I met Andrea coming off the ferry, I had no idea what she looked like having met her once before in England a fair while ago and not being the best at remembering names I was looking about hoping that I might know one of the many faces around me. Eventually she found me, my facial recognition obviously isn’t quite up to scratch at the moment.

After saying hello she plonked a large bag in my arms and said merry Christmas, there was I thinking my mother had sent over perhaps a pair of socks or something else small and easily transported. It turns out that she hadn’t in fact used the postal service to sent over a small parcel but given a big bag of presents to Andrea back in England, which she then took over in her luggage and had been holding for me for about 2 months. The evening with them went like this: sit in a cafĂ© and open presents (list to follow), walk over a big hill, meet Lee and have a swim, go get takeaway for dinner (cringing at this point, I’m fussy), go back to Lee’s and meet the dog, chat and eat dinner (delicious), chat to Andrea on the way home. Unfortunately I didn’t get to meet Lee’s wife Darleen or the new baby, which is a shame, but I might get to meet them on my next visit to Sydney before I catch my flight home.

New Years

Monday, March 1, 2010

New Years was a slightly sad affair as Nic would be leaving on New Years Day, upon a train that had no more seats available (naturally this was a blatant lie as Nic later informed me her carriage was nowhere near full) according to Great Southern Rail, however we made it a nice ending. Earlier in the day we went out to the market and selected some nice food: olive bread, vintage cheese, more olives, some dips and snacks and then a bottle of wine finished our picnic. We took the food out and went to the river (No alcohol zone so the wine was hidden), where most of the people had congregated but handily left a nice little spot for us with plenty of space to spread out and eat whilst we waited for the awful band to stop playing, luckily they promptly did just that and we got to sit enjoy whilst watching fireworks go off and everyone cheer for the new year. The food was fantastic, I was with my new best friend with a picnic and a bottle of wine on New Years Eve watching the moon instead of the fireworks and stuffing my face, my best new years yet and I didn’t even get a kiss.

Sadly though Nic was of course just about to leave, she promised to come and see me on my 21st when I got back home, if I managed to get on a train soon I might even get to see her in Sydney for a couple of days but either way, she was leaving. She hopped on the train and off she went, half way they discovered the tracks had been flooded, so she came back to Adelaide, then set off again, this time on a replacement bus which, just like the replacement bus service back home, took twice as long as the train would have done. I didn’t envy her trip one little bit.